Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Hmm... she reminds me of my aunt Carla, she loves cats
<(= ^ - ^ =)>
I drew this on the 13th , took me awhile to ink and color it, I'm LAZY during vacations.

I named all the kitties:
striped + light orange kitty- Tyger Lily
dark brown kitty- Chocolate
orange kitty - Rhys (fiery in welsh)
white kitty- Serafym
dark grey kitty- Cinderkit
black kitty- Shadow
light brown kitty- Coffee
light greyish brown kitty- Cerys (love in welsh)


Maya said...

OMG I love<3<3<3<3<3<3 <3 <3 love love kitties too!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but I adore pandas even more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry Filipas' Kitties.:( :( :( :( :( :( :) :)

Anonymous said...

Ola Pipas,

I like the expressiveness of the kitties.

Good job.